[Video] 2019 Northeast Teaneck BPA Forum for BOE Candidates

Last night the Northeast Teaneck Block Presidents Association held a candidate forum for the Board of Education election on November 5th..

Video of the forum has been posted courtesy of Allison Davis

North East Teaneck Block Presidents’ Association Forum from Allison Davis on Vimeo.

Keith Kaplan: Please join me in support of Martin Ramirez and Yassine Elkaryani for BOE on 11/5

[Video] 2019 Voters’ Guide: Teaneck Board of Education Election Questionnaire from the League of Women Voters of Teaneck

Keith Kaplan: Please join me in support of Martin Ramirez and Yassine Elkaryani for BOE on 11/5

On November 5th, please join me in supporting incumbent Board of Education Trustee Martin Ramirez (Column 3) and Yassine Elkaryani (Column 5).

Vote for Team #RAMirezšŸ and #ELKaryanišŸ¦Œ on November 5th!

As a child of a public school teacher, Iā€™ve always been taught the importance of a strong and vibrant school system.

As a product of the NJ public schools, I am the beneficiary of those strong schools and understand the need to maintain scholastic excellence.

But perhaps most important of all, as a parent of a child in our public schools, I have the same vested interest we all should, in ensuring that our kids have the benefit of those best capable of stewarding the school system into the future.

Marty Ramirez and Yassine Elkaryani have the passion, expertise and dedication necessary to confront “#LikeWeHaveAlwaysDoneIt policy-making” and kick-start a productive conversation for long-needed changes.  Changes that will enhance our childrenā€™s experiences in the classroom, without sacrificing services.

This is an important election. It is a referendum on whether the old ways, which have proven unsuccessful for far too many of our students, should be further entrenched — or it can be an opportunity for voices of those dedicated to our studentsā€™ well-being.

Check out the platforms of Mr. Ramirez and Mr. Elkaryani and please join me in sending them to the School Board on November 5th.

Keith Kaplan

Parent, Resident, Taxpayer.

Interesting Land Use Decision in Englewood

In 431 E Palisade Avenue Real Estate, LLC, et al. v. City of Englewood, a Federal Judge just ruled that the city of Englewood is not permitted to enforce its zoning rules, because plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits at trial of showing that the City’s Zoning Ordinances violate the Fair Housing act, thereby rendering them unconstitutional.Ā  The current zoning rulesĀ  do not permit assisted living and memory-care facilities in the regular residential zones (R-AAA), which plaintiffs claim is discriminatory. Continue reading “Interesting Land Use Decision in Englewood”

[Video] 2019 Voters’ Guide: Teaneck Board of Education Election Questionnaire from the League of Women Voters of Teaneck

Thank you to the League of Women Voters of Teaneck for taking this on and providing this information to the voters.

You can see the document online here

Video of the forum has been posted courtesy of the League of Women Voters of Teaneck

League of Women Voters of Teaneck
Voters’ Guide
Board of Education 2019

Our voters’ guide questionnaire and letter of invitation to the Candidates’ Night, sponsored by LWV Teaneck, was mailed to each of the candidates for Teaneck Board of Education at the end of August. In addition to asking them about their Teaneck residency, occupation, education, family & community involvement, we asked each candidate to answer the following questions and to limit answers to a total of 500 words or less:

  1. How can the district enhance academic rigor? (List specific recommendations)
  2. What do you see as benefits and/ or challenges of offering Pre-K?
  3. What impact do you anticipate the influx of new apartment development will have on the Teaneck public schools and how should the district plan for this?
  4. Given the budgetary constraints under which the district operates, what areas would you focus on to achieve cost savings without adversely impacting instructional goals.
    The candidatesā€™ responses follow unedited, and are in the order received:



This Voters Guide has been prepared by the League of Women Voters of Teaneck, a nonpartisan group of local residents assuring that all eligible voters have he opportunity and the information to exercise their right to vote. Our organization provides opportunities for voter registration each year, works to improve our government; studies local, state and national issues, and strives to engage all citizens in the civic decisions that could impact their lives.