2019 Public Budget Hearing Information

Teaneck New Jersey News

2019 Public Budget Hearing


To:       Department Heads

From:   Dean Kazinci, Acting Township Manager                       

Date:   October 24, 2018

Re:       2019 Department Budget Requests Public Hearings


NJSA 40:69A-96 requires all Department Heads to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year and to appear before the Township Manager at public hearings during the month of November.

The 2019 Department Budget Public Hearing schedule is as follows:

Monday, November 5 Fire Department 9 am – 10 am
Monday, November 5 Purchasing 10:30 am – 11am
Monday, November 5 Township Assessor 11:30 am – 12 pm
Monday, November 5 Township Clerk 1:30 pm – 2 pm
Monday, November 5 Building Department 3 pm – 3:30 pm
Tuesday, November 6 Police Department 9 am – 10 am
Tuesday, November 6 Finance 11 am – 12 pm
Tuesday, November 6 Human Resources 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Tuesday, November 6 Municipal Court 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Thursday, November 8 DPW & Engineering 9 am – 10 am
Thursday, November 8 Health Department 11am – 12 pm
Thursday, November 8 Recreation 1 pm – 2 pm
Thursday, November 8 Library 3 pm – 4 pm
Tuesday, November 13 Legal Department 9 am – 10 am

All budget hearings will be held in the Manager’s Executive Conference Room, located at 818 Teaneck Road, 2nd Floor.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

cc:  Council

Teaneck New Jersey •  818 Teaneck RoadTeaneckNJ 07666

We need OPRA reform

Tomorrow, I’m requesting the Council put forward Resolution 204-2018 to: Call for the Legislature to Amend the Open Public Records Act to Permit Municipalities to Rely on the Government Records Council as a Defense to Attorneys’ Fees or to Abolish the Government Records Council Altogether.

The Open Public Records Act is an extremely important step towards transparency in NJ.  It permits residents to seek information from their elected representatives and to know, relatively quickly, what is happening at the municipal and county levels1.

But like any legislation, there are some exemptions and calls to be made.  The exemptions are few, with an emphasis on disclosure.  If you have an issue regarding an OPRA request, there’s also a place you can turn: The Government Records Council. Continue reading “We need OPRA reform”

Grace Terrace (between Sagamore & Woods) Traffic Study and Police Reports

The Teaneck Police Department was asked to conduct a report as to traffic and safety on Grace Terrace (which runs between Sagamore Avenue and Woods Road).

Here are the findings:

On Monday, September 17, 2018, Deputy Chief John Faggello forwarded an anonymous “Report It” notification complaining of speeding on Grace Terrace. The complainant reported that vehicles are proceeding at speeds of at least 50 MPH at all hours of the day. In response to the complaint, the Traffic Bureau performed a speed and volume study and a site survey. Continue reading “Grace Terrace (between Sagamore & Woods) Traffic Study and Police Reports”

Leonia Road Closures – Round 2

After having their previous ordinance invalidated by a superior court judge in August, Leonia has passed a new set of revised ordinances aimed at closing their streets to non-residents every morning and evening.

The judge in the case granted the Attorney General’s motion for summary judgement because the law would affect on traffic on state roads such as Route 93/Grand Avenue and Route 46/Bergen Boulevard, but Leonia had not received approval from the DOT as required by NJSA 39:4-8(a). However, Leonia Mayor Judah Zeigler released a statement afterwards indicating that the judge’s opinion affirmed Leonia’s right to pass the ordinance if done properly.

Continue reading “Leonia Road Closures – Round 2”