There’s something new at the top of the online version of the Teaneck Code:
Available here:
Includes legislation adopted through 12-08-2020.
Promise Kept: When I ran for office, I pledged to work on making sure you could go to the website and see what the law is.
This may sound like something you’d take for granted, but for decades, this has not been the case.
In 2018, I wrote this post:
Why re-codification of the Teaneck Code is important
Well, it’s taken the better part of two years, but we’ve done it. The code is now updated through all legislation passed by Teaneck in the last month.
Want to know if parking is allowed on your block?
You can go here and check:
(as a bonus, the streets are now in alphabetical order for easy perusing)
What’s next?
In 2019, a resident wrote me about a neighbor, seeming violating the code by not having a fence around an above ground swimming pool. After extensive research and telephone calls with the Building Department, it turned out that the State modified guidelines and pre-empted our code. The resident read the section correction, but it was no longer enforceable. Yet, it was there. Now, it’s not.
There were a lot of projects I’ve been wanting to pursue, but needed an updated code in order to get them done.
Those, are now on my radar.
As always, if you have suggestions, please keep them coming.