If you have ever gone to look in Section 36 (Prohibited Parking) of our code, to see what parking regulations are on a particular block, you probably needed patience and possibly, luck.
Let’s face it — our code wasn’t written for convenience or you, as the end-user (subject to its strictures).
Has anyone in the history of time ever wondered where you are prohibited from parking except for 8am to 6pm excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays (Sec. 36-17), as distinct from where you are prohibited during those hours except (only) Sundays and Holidays (Sec. 36-16)?
If so, now you know. But seriously… who thought this was the best way to make a code?
A User-Friendly Approach
It took the better part of two years to update our code, as decades of Council changes were never appropriately updated in a cohesive manner. But we are now at a point, where you can know what the Township Ordinances that apply to you, actually say.
So, without changing ANY regulations, I’ve drafted an ordinance that makes a relevant part of the code user-friendly. My proposed ordinance, which can be found in our agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting, combines Sections 36-13 through 36-20.5.
These changes let anyone see, at a glance:
- each street
- in alphabetical order, along with
- the applicable parking regulation
The section on the right, below is what I’ll be pitching to Council to adopt on Tuesday.
And if these are well received, I plan on doing more of them. What sections would you like to have me handle first?
Have suggestions? Email me
(Residents (and others) should be able to glance at the ordinance sections and see what is relevant to them) Continue reading “User-Friendly Ordinances: Let’s Focus on Making Government Easier to Figure Out”