An open email to the Teaneck Board of Education and District:
BER-L-000121-24 Keith Kaplan v. Teaneck Board of Education, et al.
The Teaneck Board of Education has problems.
There’s the Federal investigation into Civil Rights Violations by the Office of Civil Rights
There’s the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression Investigation and charges of Civil Rights Violations
(First Letter from FIRE) (Second Letter from FIRE)
And now, there’s a Superior Court action for multiple violations of the Open Public Meetings Act (NJ’s signature transparency law)
I called several of the OPMA violations out at meetings, including the failure to abide by the minimum requirements of transparency–sending notice to two newspapers. The First Amendment organization FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) has called them out for Civil Rights violations, not once, but TWICE. And the Feds are investigating the District.
Sadly, there’s no sign that the illegal and improper activities that the Trustees of the Board of Education and the Administration in Teaneck have been engaged in, will be ending on their own.
So I have filed a Verified Complaint and an Order to Show Cause against the School District. Today, the Order was granted by Judge Catuogno.
I do not take this step lightly. However the law requires certain actions, and they have not been taken. To wit: Continue reading “Kaplan v. Teaneck BOE”