Fall 2020 Rodda Center Class Flyers / Brochures Now Available

The Fall 2020 class brochure along with the flyers are available now in the Rodda Center lobby. Classes are limited, will be held outside, and will follow all Covid-19 guidelines.

Please see flyers for details.

If you have any questions, please call our office at (201) 837-7130

Mayor Dunleavy on Advisory Boards: Clearing up misconceptions

At the August 11, 2020 meeting of the Township council, ordinance 15-2020 was adopted, which modifies some provisions for Council’s advisory boards.

In the video below, Mayor Dunleavy provides the reasons for the changes and current state of the Council’s Advisory Board operations.

I want to thank the Mayor for spending the past two years, meeting with all Advisory Board chairs, Township staff and others to create this new framework, which will bring additional clarity and productivity to the boards and how public input shapes the decisions council makes.

Anyone interested in applying to serve on an Advisory (or Statutory*) Board may click here: Application for Township Boards
(* The ordinance above only applies to advisory boards, statutory boards are governed by State statue)